See the expandable list at the bottom of the page for any relevant content warnings, should you want or need them. Feel free to use the contact form on the home page should you feel any content warnings are missing or need updating. Stories marked with a single asterisk (*) are free to read online. If they are marked with a double asterisk (**), they are available on Kindle Unlimited.
"Home is Where the Butterflies Roam"* - in Disabled Tales (fantasy)
+ more to be announced!
click here for content warnings
"A House; A Haunting": animal death (imagined), body horror
"The Sixth Tree": N/A
"And The Mountains Melt Like Wax": fire (off-page), death (off-page), panic attacks, body horror
"We Suffer in Fire": fire, death, murder, religious fanaticism, body horror
"The Graves You Dig": death, taphophobia
"What the Sea Provides": drowning (off-page), child death (off-page), body horror
"the heart of an angel": murder, cannibalism
"Your Heart Stops": death, medical trauma
"Neighborhood Watch": stalking
"What About the Dog?": child death (off-page), animal death (off-page, not the titular dog), illness
"Ghosts We Used to Love": intimate partner abuse (emotional and verbal; past, but described and quoted), suicide of a partner (past, but described and ghost seen), self-harm (past, but scars/injuries seen), depression (both past and present), mental health problems generally, struggles to recover from grief over the loss of a partner
"Metamorphosis": depression, implied self-harm, implied death
"St. Peter's Gate": religious doubt, implied death
"The Slow Brain Death of Artificial Intelligence": implied death, existential crisis
"One Saturday Morning": religious trauma, past homophobia, past ableism, mental health struggles, implied death
"Love Like the Moon": body horror, being restrained
"And The Mountains Melt Like Wax": fire (off-page), death (off-page), panic attacks, body horror
"From This Day Forward": death, animal death (past but body seen), terminal illness (lung cancer, past implied HIV/AIDS), homophobia (past), religious trauma, elder abuse (off-page but discussed), dementia (off-page but discussed)
"Nana's Teeth": grief, mourning a family member’s death, mild body horror
"Make Me a Freak Show": implied queerphobia (external and internalized), implied ableism (external and internalized), manipulative romantic partner, non-consensual body modification, body horror, raw meat consumption, spiders, infidelity, murder, cannibalism
"Closer to Death": death (past), suicidal ideation (implied), and erotic asphyxiation
"A Handful of Bullets": guns, religious abuse/cults, animal death (wild animals and farm animals), body horror, suicidal ideation, murder, death, zombies