ghost bee representation art by heavenlyystar on twitter!
Tyler (he/iel/any) is a queer and disabled author of horror, dark and urban fantasy, and other speculative fiction who is especially interested in subjects that interrogate the connections between faith, monsters, love, queerness, and disability. Tyler lives in Canada with his partner and a grumpy cat.
A lover of cryptids and bees, some of Tyler's favourite monsters and creatures are angels and demons, sirens, werewolves, ghosts, rat kings, and wolpertingers. Tyler grew up in a town known for its bees before moving next to a lake rumoured to contain a Nessie-like lake monster.
Media that rewired Tyler's brain (and maybe that explain some things) include:Clive Barker's "Twilight at the Towers", "The Last Illusion", and The Scarlet Gospels; Stephen King's The Shining and Doctor Sleep; William Peter Blatty's The Exorcist (the franchise, including the TV show); and Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves. Tyler was shaped by a childhood that included Animorphs and The Blair Witch Project. Ask about exorcism media at your own peril.